3M Peltor ComTac VI

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O 3M ™ Peltor ™ possui os fones de ouvido ComTac ™ da próxima geração. Desde 1998, a 3M ™ fornece aos combatentes e outros funcionários da agência a proteção contra ruídos perigosos com sua função de escuta ambiental. A proteção auditiva é essencial para qualquer pessoa consistentemente em um ambiente com muito ruído. Os fones de ouvido ComTac são projetados para os guerreiros de hoje para uso em combate com armas de fogo e capacetes de combate. O equipamento de proteção auditiva da 3M é usado pelo Departamento de Defesa, Departamento de Justiça, Departamento de Segurança Interna e agências locais e estaduais nos Estados Unidos.

Os fones de ouvido ComTac ™ VI para forças especiais militares estão disponíveis em preto, verde O.D e marrom coiote. O fone de ouvido é fornecido em comunicação única e em duelo. Mais de 100 mil funcionários confiaram nesses fones de ouvido para segurança e eficiência.

Para selecionar o seu estilo de banda do ComTac ™ VI, escolha a categoria correspondente abaixo.

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3M™ Peltor™ has the next generation ComTac™ headsets. Since 1998, 3M™ has provided warfighters and other agency personnel the protection from hazardous noise with their environmental listening function. Hearing protection is essential for anyone consistently in a high noise environment.

The ComTac headsets are designed for today's warfighter for use in combat with firearms and combat helmets. 3M's hearing protective equipment is used by the Department of Defense, Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security and local and state agencies across the United States

The ComTac™ VI headsets for military special forces are available in black, O.D green, and coyote brown. The headset comes in single and dual communication. Over 100 thousand personnel have relied upon these headsets for safety and efficiency.

About the Comtac VI

Learn the Differences in the Comtac V vs Comtac VI

Improved Sound Quality

New omni-directional microphones, high fidelity speakers, and a new digital signal processor.

New Boom Mic

With patented 3M closed cell foam, the boom mic delivers improved noise canceling transmissions in high noise and wind.

Improves Warfighter Efficiency & Safety

The environmental listening also known as "talk through" allows safe audio sounds to bypass while still helping protect against harmful noise.

Optimized Design

New earcup is designed to provide maximum attenuation while limiting the thickness for better compatibility with helmets.

Frequently Asked Questions

The main difference between these three versions is the downlead cable and how many radios you intend to connect to this headset.

Single Comm: One downlead to one two-way radio.

Dual Comm: Two downleads to two two-way radios.

Hearing Defender: No downlead. If you aren't using a radio, this options for you.

The Comtac and the Swat-Tac are different only in color. The Swat-Tac is black.

The Comtac VI includes:

  1. 3M Peltor Comtac VI Headset and Headband
  2. Boom Mic
  3. (2) Spare Foam Eargels
  4. (2) Spare Foam Covers
  5. ARC Rail Attachments
  6. (2) AAA batteries

NIB stands for Natural Interactive Behavior and is short-range, headset-to-headset communication in high noise environments without the use of an external communications radio. The NIB function allows for 4 team members to speak simultaneously and over 60 people to listen within a 5 meter radius. Audio transmit is activated by either a voice activated switch (VOX) for hands-free operation or by a push-to-talk button. A tactile button on the left ear cup easily allows the user to turn the VOX function on or off.

MAP stands for Mission Audio Profiles and is advanced environmental listening settings that optimize the amplitude and frequency for specific conditions. The Mission Audio Profiles have been designed with a variety of combat and combat support operations in mind. The environmental listening feature, also known as “Talk-Through”, uses a proprietary digital audio circuit that allows safe audio sounds to bypass the hearing protection while still helping protect against harmful noises.

Yes! The new boom mic design accommodates both left and right hand shooters without needing to relocate the microphone to the opposite side of the headset.

The boom mic can be adjusted in length and both vertical and horizontal orientation.

The main difference between these two headsets is the Comtac VI has more advanced features that improve the efficency and safety of warfighters including the NIB and MAP features. The Comtac VI also has an improved headband. Learn more about the differences between the Comtac VI and Comtac V here.

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